Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder

“Who are you? Where does the world come from?”

These questions are like haunting, right? Those are the first two questions Sophie got from a man named Alberto Knox. These are simple questions that become complicated the more you think about them. It’s like the more you try to find an answer the more you can’t think of a valid, concrete one.

Sophie’s World is like my “all-people-on-earth-should-read” book. It was just the “perfect” book, well at least for me the first time I read it. (I was then a high school student, turning 15, like Sophie.)

Just imagine how Gaarder allows the reader to play an important role and be a part of the story. Oh, man! It’s just amazing – asking yourself those haunting questions like Sophie did, and reading Sophie’s story together with Hilde (in Hilde’s world) while reading the latter’s story at the same time in your own worldit’s just insane! It’s like you’ve become so eager to see what’s written on the last three pages to end this whole craziness but you can’t because you know Hilde feels the same way but she bears it, reading words after word, page after page, and you want to prove that you can bear with her and thus can do nothing but try to cease all the excitement you feel inside.

However, I think only those who love philosophy or at least once wonder about the mystery of life will bother to finish reading it. It’s the kind of book that is very interesting for those who are into it but is very, very boring for those who are not.

I’m sure fans of Sophie’s World think that those who read it but did not come to like this book are kind of odious. Haha. And I’m not excluding myself. It’s like screw them ’cause they don’t give a damn about life, Philo and stuff. Haha. But yeah, we have different interests and we should respect that. But still, it’s just…hmm…a shame.

Well, after all it’s my “all-people-on-earth-should-read” book. I’m sure you’ll feel the same way for your own too.

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